Placeholders | Example | Description |
%allroles% | Owner | Developer | Boss man | All the user's roles separated by DiscordToMinecraftAllRolesSeparator |
%message% | Hello! | The message content |
%toprole% | Owner | The user's highest ranking role |
%toprolealias% | Owner | The alias for the role from DiscordChatChannelRoleAliases , otherwise the role's name |
%toproleinitial% | O | The first initial of the user's highest ranking role |
%toprolecolor% | <dark_red> | The approximate color of the highest ranking role |
%username% | scarsz | The user's username/nickname if set |
%channelname% | global | The name of the Discord channel the message is coming from |
PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported
The format used when sending messages from Discord to Minecraft.
The format used when sending messages from Discord to Minecraft for the user with no roles.
The format used when sending messages from Discord to Minecraft for <channel>
You can specify a different format per channel. To add a format for a channel named mychannel
you'd add the following options to your messages.yml
DiscordToMinecraftChatMessageFormat_mychannel: "[&bDiscord From MyChannel &r| %toprolecolor%%toprole%&r] %name% » %message%"
DiscordToMinecraftChatMessageFormatNoRole_mychannel: "[&bDiscord From MyChannel&r] %name% » %message%"
The format used when sending messages from Discord to Minecraft for the user with no roles for <channel>
This can be formatted using the same idea as the previous option:
DiscordToMinecraftChatMessageFormatNoRole_mychannel: "[&bDiscord From MyChannel&r] %name% » %message%"
The separator used in between roles in %allroles%
The format for the message displayed to indicate that the message is a reply NOTE: The %reply% placeholder needs to be present in the format if you want the DiscordToMinecraftMessageReplyFormat to display in your message.
Placeholders | Example | Description |
%username% | jeb_ | raw player username |
%displayname% | BigBossManJeb | display name from things like nicknames |
%usernamenoescapes% | jeb_ | raw player username without escaping discord format (for use in inline code & code block markdown) |
%displaynamenoescapes% | BigBossManJeb | display name from things like nicknames without escaping discord format (for use in inline code & code block markdown) |
%message% | Hello! | message content |
%primarygroup% | Owner | the name of the user's primary group |
%world% | world | name of world player is in |
%worldalias% | Mainland | alias of world player is in via Multiverse-Core |
%date% | Sun Jan 1 15:30:45 PDT 2017 | current date & time |
%channelname% | global | the name of the channel that the message was sent in, if the message was sent in a channel at all |
PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported
the format used when sending messages from Minecraft to Discord.
used in place of MinecraftChatToDiscordMessageFormat
when no primary group for the player was found.
This is a special message that's only used when a supported chat channel plugin is hooked. It modifies what the message would be like in-game to include information related to the channel the message is from.
Placeholders | Explanations |
%channelcolor% | the color character corresponding to the channel |
%channelname% | the literal name of the channel, usually the name only the server sees internally |
%channelnickname% | the formal nickname of the channel, usually the name of the channel that players see |
%message% | the message after processing through DiscordToMinecraftChatMessageFormat /DiscordToMinecraftChatMessageFormatNoRole |
Placeholders | Example | Description |
Same as Discord -> Minecraft placeholders |
PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported
The format for the username part of the message sent to Dynmap (this may be hidden depending on dynmap settings).
The format for the message part of the message sent to Dynmap.
Placeholders | Example | Description |
%name% | Notch | the username for the message sent on the Dynmap web chat (could be blank) |
%message% | Hello! | message content |
PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported
The format for Dynmap messages going to Discord
Placeholders | Example | Description |
{level} | INFO, WARN, ERROR | message severity level |
{name} | Server | logger name |
{datetime} | Sun Jan 1 15:30:45 PDT 2017 | current date & time |
PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported
This is the format used when sending a line from the console to the console channel, if enabled
The date format that will be used for the {date}
and {datetime}
The literal prefix to prepend to a batch of lines
The literal suffix to append to a batch of lines
The amount of padding to add inside the prefix
Placeholders | Example | Description |
%user% | scarsz | the name of the user that tried running the command |
%error% | no permission | the reason for the error |
Used when an error occurs with permissions for the player to run the command, not an error running the command itself. This is sent as a PM to the user.
the message at the beginning of the list, before all of the player names.
used instead for when no players are online
Placeholders | Example | Description |
%username% | jeb_ | raw player username |
%displayname% | BigBossManJeb | display name from things like nicknames |
%primarygroup% | Owner | the name of the user's primary group |
%world% | world | name of world player is in |
%worldalias% | Mainland | alias of world player is in via Multiverse-Core |
PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported
the format of how each player should appear in the list
the separator used in between players
Embed Information | Description |
Color | accepts a hex color code (eg. "#ffffff") or a rgb integer (eg. 0) |
Fields | format is "title;value;inline" (eg. "Who joined?;%displayname%;true") or "blank" to add a blank field |
Timestamp | set to true to use the time the message was sent or use a epoch timestamp for a specific time ( |
Placeholders | Example | Description |
%displayname% | BigBossManJeb | display name from things like nicknames |
%username% | jeb_ | raw player username |
%displaynamenoescapes% | BigBossManJeb | display name from things like nicknames without escaping discord format (for use in inline code & code block markdown) |
%usernamenoescapes% | jeb_ | raw player username without escaping discord format (for use in inline code & code block markdown) |
%date% | Sun Jan 1 15:30:45 PDT 2017 | current date & time |
%embedavatarurl% | <AvatarUrl> | the user's avatar |
%botavatarurl% | <Bot Avatar Url> | the bot's avatar |
%botname% | DiscordSRV bot | the bot's name |
PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported
Placeholders | Description |
%message% | join message as seen in-game |
PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported
The message that gets broadcasted when a player joins the server.
Placeholders | Description |
%message% | first join message as seen in-game |
PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported
The message that gets broadcasted when a player joins for the first time.
The message that gets broadcasted when a player leaves.
Placeholders | Description |
%deathmessage% | Raw death message |
PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported
The message that gets broadcasted on player death.
Placeholders | Description |
%achievement% | Title of the achievement/advancement |
PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported
The message that gets broadcasted when a player gets an achievement.
Placeholders | Description |
%playercount% | current player count |
%playermax% | maximum player count |
%date% | current date |
%timestamp% | current time in seconds since UNIX epoch |
%starttimestamp% | start time in seconds since UNIX epoch |
%totalplayers% | total amount of players to ever join the main world |
%uptimemins% | amount of minutes since DiscordSRV has started |
%uptimehours% | amount of hours since DiscordSRV has started |
%motd% | motto of the day of the server |
%serverversion% | server version such as Spigot-1.9 |
%freememory% | free memory of the JVM in MB |
%usedmemory% | used memory of the JVM in MB |
%totalmemory% | total memory of the JVM in MB |
%maxmemory% | max memory of the JVM in MB |
%freememorygb% | free memory of the JVM in GB |
%usedmemorygb% | used memory of the JVM in GB |
%totalmemorygb% | total memory of the JVM in GB |
%maxmemorygb% | max memory of the JVM in GB |
%tps% | average TPS of the server |
PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported
message to set the chat channel's topic to every X seconds
message to set the console channel's topic to every X seconds
message to set the chat channel's topic when the server shuts down
message to set the console channel's topic when the server shuts down
This is the message sent to players when they run "/discord
". It's recommended to leave command syntax as a part of this.
No permission message
Unknown command message
message to be sent when server starts; leave blank to disable
message to be sent when server shuts down; leave blank to disable
Placeholders | Description |
%guildowner% | The guild owner's mention tag. |
%date% | The date & time when the message gets sent. |
%timeout% | ServerWatchdogTimeout as a placeholder |
%timestamp% | For use in discord's timestamp format EG: `<t:%timestamp%:R> |
The watchdog constantly monitors the last time your server performed a game tick. If the time since the last tick goes above the set interval in seconds, Discord messages can be triggered.
Placeholders | Description |
%code% | the code generated for the player to link their account with |
%botname% | the name of the bot on Discord |
The message that appears in minecraft when a player runs the /discordsrv link
The message that appears in the bot's discord DMs if a user sends a 4 character message that isn't a generated code.
The message that appears in the bot's discord DMs if a user sends any message that isn't a generated code.
Placeholders | Description |
%name% | the name of the Minecraft player that the user's Discord account was linked to |
%uuid% | the uuid of the Minecraft player that the user's Discord account was linked to |
The bot's DM response when a user gets their discord account linked.
Placeholders | Description |
%name% | the Minecraft uuid of the user's linked Minecraft account |
%uuid% | the Minecraft username of the user's linked Minecraft account |
The bot's DM response if a user tries to link their minecraft account but they're already linked.
Placeholders | Description |
%message% | the message the user was not able to send because they were not linked |
The bot's reply if a player that isn't linked tries to send a discord message through the registered text channel.
The bot's reply if it can't check if a player is linked.
The hover text for CodeGenerated's %code%
Placeholders | Description |
%id% | the discord id of the Discord user that the user's Minecraft account was linked to |
%username% | the discord name of the Discord user that the user's Minecraft account was linked to |
The message to the player that gets sent when the player links their discord account.
The message to the player if they try to link their discord account but they're already linked.
Placeholders | Description |
%name% | the discord username of the Discord user that the user's Minecraft account is linked to |
The message that appears to a linked player when they run /discordsrv linked
Placeholders | Description |
%name% | the discord username of the Discord user that the user's Minecraft account was linked to |
The message that appears to a linked player when they run /discordsrv unlink
The message that appears to an unlinked player when they try to use /discordsrv linked
or /discordsrv unlink
The message that appears to a player if the linking system did not register.
Placeholders | Description |
%target% | the input that led to no results being found |
The message that appears to the player/console if /discord linked %target%
is not found.