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Sync Setup


Please make sure to go through the Initial Setup before going through with this setup.

Get the name(s) of the Minecraft group(s) you want to sync

The synchronization is case-sensitive so make sure you don't mess up with the capitalization

If you use LuckPerms, these will be the group display names

# Example from generic permissions plugin

You can see what groups DiscordSRV can see in the discordsrv-info.txt file of debug reports, which can be accessed through the link generated from /discordsrv debug

# discordsrv-info.txt from debug report
vault groups: [default, MinecraftGroup1, MinecraftGroup2]

Get Role ID(s) for the role(s) you want to sync

If you have Developer Mode enabled (see Initial Setup), you can get the IDs from Server Settings > Roles by right-clicking the role(s)

Role IDs are also in the discordsrv-info.txt file of debug reports, which can be accessed through the link generated from /discordsrv debug

//discordsrv-info.txt from debug report
discord guild roles: [R:DiscordRole1(680679725206994947), R:DiscordRole2(680679790025506861)]

Set the Role ID(s) and group name(s) in the synchronization option

Now that you have both the Role ID(s) and the Minecraft Group Name(s), add them into GroupRoleSynchronizationGroupsAndRolesToSync located inside the synchronization.yml config file.

# synchronization.yml Line 27
GroupRoleSynchronizationGroupsAndRolesToSync: {"MinecraftGroup1": "680679725206994947", "MinecraftGroup2": "680679790025506861"}

That's the basics of it! Read the comments for the other options in the synchronization.yml for more control over this system.