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Initial Setup


  • server software based on the Bukkit API (CraftBukkit/Spigot/Paper/etc)
  • ability to read server logs
  • ability to modify server files

Install the plugin

  1. Put DiscordSRV-Build-VERSION_NUMBER.jar in the server's plugins folder and restart your server (This will generate a folder labeled DiscordSRV with all the config files)
  2. Open the config.yml file in the plugins/DiscordSRV/ folder with your favorite text editor

Setting up the bot

Create the Application


Create a new application at by clicking "New Application"

create application

Configure the Installation tab


Open the Installation tab in the left menu, disable the User Install option, and set Install Link to None.

installation tab

Enable the Privileged Gateway Intents options


Make sure to enable both the SERVER MEMBERS INTENT and MESSAGE CONTENT INTENT options shown in the video below to avoid running into issues with DiscordSRV later on.

Starting up the bot

Copy the bot token


Copy the Token of the bot from the application page. Keep PUBLIC BOT unchecked so only you can invite the bot to the servers you designate.

copy bot token

Paste the token into config.yml

# config.yml Line 8
BotToken: "MjE5NTE5OTk0MDUxMDM1MTQ3.CqTCYw.SFAbKtfK3ydTy1jx2-fTHUJqsPo"

Invite the bot to your guild


Copy the Application ID from the application's General Information page.

copy client id

Go to the following URL and paste your Application ID to the page (Ctrl + V):

It loads a small client-side running script which checks for a valid application ID length and redirects back to for OAuth 2 authorization of your bot. Alternatively, you can manually append the application ID to the end of the following link and open it:


Select your guild, then click Authorize

authorize the bot

Enable Developer Mode


Go to your Discord settings by clicking on the cog on the bottom left of Discord.

open discord settings


Go to the Advanced tab and enable Developer Mode (Outdated image)

enable developer mode

Set up a basic channel relay


Right click the Discord-channel you want to use for chat between Discord and Minecraft and click on Copy ID

copy channel id

Open the config.yml file again.
Search for the option Channels and replace 000000000000000000 with the copied channel ID.

# config.yml Line 14
Channels: {"global": "219559668236681216"}

If you use a chat plugin with channel support like HeroChat, LegendChat, LunaChat, TownyChat or VentureChat, you can set up more channels here with their linked Discord channels. For example, if you want to add an "admin" channel it would look like this:

# config.yml Line 14
Channels: {"global": "219559668236681216", "admin": "221419146028646401"}

Keep in mind that "admin" indicates an ingame channel, not a Discord channel name!

Optionally: Copy the Channel ID of a second Discord-channel for use as console-channel and paste it into config.yml

# config.yml Line 17
DiscordConsoleChannelId: "219559838890459137"

Give the bot the discord permissions it needs to run


Open your server settings by clicking on the arrow to the right of the server name and choose Server Settings

open server settings


Go to the Roles tab and create a new role. We've named ours Bot. Add the Administrator permission (or permissions listed below) to the new role.

create bot role


Switch to the Members tab and add the new Bot role to your bot by clicking on the + next to the bot's name and choosing the role.

Add Bot-rule to bot

(Re)start your server

You're done with installing DiscordSRV!

Now run through all the config options in config.yml. You'll be surprised with how many features this plugin has

Advanced Information

Giving the bot the administrator permission

Usually it's not recommended to give the bot the Administrator permission, since it gives the bot complete control over your server. We recommend it because it makes the installation process easier on the server owner, and DiscordSRV doesn't do anything that would jeopardize the server. The only way this can be abused is by sharing the bot token with others. Therefore, you should keep the bot token private, and only use it in the context of setting up DiscordSRV. If others were to know your token, they can hijack your bot, so if you suspect the token has been leaked you should reset it immediately in the Discord Developers portal.

However, if you don't feel comfortable with giving the Administrator permission, you can define the following permissions that the bot requires for certain features. This list can/will change and new permissions will need to be added for any new features that require them.

Server Permissions
Manage Rolesrole synchronization and adding roles to linked players
Manage Channelschannel topic updater and the voice module
Ban Membersban synchronization
Manage Nicknamesnickname synchronization
Manage Webhooksexperimental webhook usage
(Server-wide permission is recommended, but can be applied on a per-channel basis)
Channel Permissions
View Channel and Send MessagesRequired for DiscordSRV's channel options (including console and voice lobby), the voice module category and any other channels you want for canned responses
Manage Messageswhen messages are deleted by playerlist & chat channel commands
Embed Linksoptionally for embedding ingame-posted links and required when embed messages are used death, join/Leave
Mention @everyone, @here and All Rolesfor mentioning @everyone if added to allowed mentions in config.yml and mentions enabled
Add Reactions and Read Message Historyfor when the bot reacts with "💬" and "❗" to notify a truncated message is being sent from Discord to Minecraft
Move Members, Mute Members and Manage Permissionsrequired for the voice lobby and voice category

Role Hierarchy

Make sure the new Bot role is above any roles you want to synchronize using our role/nickname synchronization system (eg. if you want Moderators names to synchronize, you need to have the Bot role above the Moderator role)