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DiscordSRV contains many placeholders which allows you to customise messages entirely to your liking.

Information about which placeholders can be used where can be found in the config.


General Formatting Help

Information on formatting Minecraft messages can be found here.

Information on Discord markdown can be found here

Checking for empty placeholders

You can take empty placeholders into account and use an alternate placeholder instead.

For example %player_meta_prefix|player_prefix%. This first looks for %player_meta_prefix% if that is empty, than %player_prefix% is used instead.

Placeholder Suffixes

Placeholders which provide a list of items can have a suffix set between each item to separate them.

For example %user_roles:', '%, lists the users roles seperated by a comma and a space (', ').

Recursive Placeholders

Recursive placeholders are a special type of placeholder which allow you to specify what information you want from it.

In this example we will be using %user_highest_role_<role>%. The %user_highest_role_ part returns the highest role of the user and turns it into a role placeholder.

You can then use any role related placeholders. For example %user_highest_role_name% will return the highest roles name, or %user_highest_role_color% returns the color of the highest role.

This same premise is used for all the re lookup placeholders.



%user_name% - The username of the Discord user

%user_effective_name% -The effective display name of the Discord user

%user_discriminator% - The user's discriminator

%user_avatar_url% - The Discord user's avatar (if they do not have one set, this will be empty)

%user_effective_avatar_url% - The Discord user's avatar that is currently active (if they do not have one set, this will provide the default Discord avatar)

%user_tag% - The Discord user's username, including discriminator if they have one


%user_effective_server_name% - The nickname name of this Discord server member

%user_effective_server_avatar_url% - The avatar url that that is active for this server member

%user_color% - The color of the user's highest role that has a color

%user_isboosting% - Whether this member is currently boosting the server

%user_highest_role_<role>% - The highest role of the member. Replace <role> with any of the role placeholders. More information about recursive placeholders here

%user_hoisted_role_<role>% - The highest hoisted role of the member. Replace <role> with any of the role. More information about recursive placeholders here

%user_roles% - The roles of the member. This placeholder supports a suffix to be set, more information can be found here


%message_jump_url% - The URL to jump to this message

%message_reply% - The format for messages which contain a reply. This can be edited in the config

%message_attachments% - The attachments in the message sent. This placeholder supports a suffix to be set, more information can be found here


%role_name% - The name of the Discord role

%role_color% - The color of the Discord role


%channel_name% - The name of the channel

%channel_jump_url% - The jump url of the channel


%server_name% - The name of the Discord guild

%server_member_count% - The member count of the guild


%discord_invite% - The invite of your Discord server (this is either provided by you in the config, or DiscordSRV auto generates it for you)



%player_name% - The username of the Minecraft player

%player_uuid% - The UUID of the Minecraft player

%player_uuid_nodashes% - The UUID of the Minecraft player without any dashes

%player_texture% - The texture of the Minecraft player (not implemented yet)

%player_avatar_url% - The avatar url of the Minecraft player (the API used for this can be changed in the config)

%player_meta_prefix% - The meta prefix of the Minecraft player (set using the meta key discordsrv_prefix)

%player_meta_suffix% - The meta suffix of the Minecraft player (set using the meta key discordsrv_suffix)

%player_prefix% - The prefix of the Minecraft player

%player_suffix% - The suffix of the Minecraft player

Global placeholders

%text:'<text>'" - Returns arbitrary text. An example of a use case would be changing the placeholder to custom text if it is empty. For example %player_prefix|text:'No Prefix'%

Date formatting

Some placeholders such as log_time for console lines take a time formatting string, for example: ccc HH:mm:ss zzz in %log_time:'ccc HH:mm:ss zzz'%

(Useful) Formatting characters

uyear2004; 04
M/Lmonth-of-year7; 07; Jul; July; J
Q/qquarter-of-year3; 03; Q3; 3rd quarter
Yweek-based-year1996; 96
Eday-of-weekTue; Tuesday; T
e/clocalized day-of-week2; 02; Tue; Tuesday; T
Khour-of-am-pm (0-11)0
Vtime-zone IDAmerica/Los_Angeles; Z; -08:30
ztime-zone namePacific Standard Time; PST
Olocalized zone-offsetGMT+8; GMT+08:00; UTC-08:00;
Xzone-offset 'Z' for zeroZ; -08; -0830; -08:30; -083015; -08:30:15;
xzone-offset+0000; -08; -0830; -08:30; -083015; -08:30:15;
Zzone-offset+0000; -0800; -08:00;

Discord timestamp formatting

Example: %log_time:'timestamp'% or %log_time:'timestamp:t'%


tShort Time16:20
TLong Time16:20:30
dShort Date20/04/2021
DLong Date20 April 2021
f (default)Short Date/Time20 April 2021 16:20
FLong Date/TimeTuesday, 20 April 2021 16:20
RRelative Time2 months ago